And we would love you to feel “butterflies” (with us) the night before you come to AliSub and after your underwater experience when you realize all that you have learned and discovered.

Before starting, please have a look at our “commitment to the sea” which can also be yours.
Through it, we provide you the complete information of our local underwater environment to let you know how you should behave, keeping yourself safe during your dive. So you will take care of yourself and at the same time, take care of the sea.
What do you think?
Get to know the underwater world and commit yourself to respect and protect the ocean the same way it does with you.
We have already committed to it and we continue to do a bit more everyday:
💧We have a collaboration with the Natural Park: for example, we call them when we find lost nets out or any other object that it can damage the sea. We follow the rules to respect the environment and we take part in the ocean’s clean up groups.
💧We are working to get the gender equality in our sector, in the diving industry the number of men are the majority and we would like to have a gender balanced in our teams. We know the diversity is a plus.
💧Reduce the single use of plastic. We exchange the plastic glasses and bottles for recycled plastic containers, free of BisphenolA (toxic for your health), it means that you could be safely hydrated without generating more trash for the planet.
It is said the traditions are wise so you will also find in our terrace a “botijo” (a Spanish traditional clay pot) with cold water for you to drink.
We ask you to bring your own reusable drinking bottle. In case you dont have one, Ali Sub you will have one for you.
💧We are working to change our boat’s engines to minimise the emissions to less than 65% of the limits sets by the EU. Our boat Tohora is the first one to have it. And it makes us feel so much happier when we sail with it.
Our new challenges for 2023:
💧We want to be part of the change. Through our activities we would love to contribute to the well-being of people and the improvement of the environment.
Because of this, our company indicators, apart of being economical, measure the benefits to our activity in people and in the environment.
Because you and our environment are what matters to us.
We are committed with the economy of the Common Good working with honesty, solidarity, generosity and ecology.
💧We are in the ‘International Coastal Cleanup España’ Project. Globally lead by ´Ocean Conservancy´and supported by ´Asociación Ambiente Europeo´and their goal to end marine trash.
We want clean seas full of life for you and the future generations to enjoy them.
Will you join us?
Join and commit yourself to the ‘Decalogue against Marine Garbage’
Link a ‘Decalogo basuras marinas’
💧We are going to proceed and obtain our carbon footprint to compensate it with sustainable projects, following the CeroCO2 initiative.
That’s why every time you come you will contribute (with your activity) to projects which help the environments that need it.
Are you feeling your “butterflies”?
Then, get ready to continue, because we are looking forward to new challenges
That makes us feel butterflies and share them with you.
Be part of the change with us.
We are waiting for you